
Here's a list of Side Project Summer projects

Side Project Summer is back for its third year after a wide range of publishing people built some amazing technical projects in 2019 and 2020.

Add your contribution to this showcase – your 2019, 2020 and 2021 projects – by opening a pull request! Follow the instructions on cloning a website on GitHub to take a local copy of this website's code. Edit the showcase.html file, copying and pasting one of the examples already there to add your own project. Feel free to add screenshots to the images folder and reference them using the <img> HTML tag. Then open a pull request on GitHub, and the General Products maintainers will review it, suggest any changes, and ultimately merge it in. Here is a pull request you can look at as an example. Ping the hashtag if you need a hand!

Make Our Book

Emma Barnes @has_many_books

"I have written makeourbook.com to bring publishing to the classroom. I'm particularly pleased with the use of the table of contents for navigation: it is a chance to improve my JavaScript which is not my strength. I am using React Beautiful DND. This summer I'm working on the Purchase workflow so orders are more automated, and on more layout options for schools." Screenshot of the navigation page and a child's piece on makeourbook.com

University of London Press

Jamie Bowman @jreecebowman

"For Side Project Summer 2019, I tried to get to grips with making API calls in Ruby. I built a site that interacts with the Consonance Product API to fetch metadata for books published by the University of London Press, where I work. I learned plenty of useful stuff about APIs along the way, a lot of which has now become relevant to my role at the Press. Read more about how it works here. " Screenshot of the University of London Press Side Project Summer homepage

Paint Pad

Andy Pearson @andypearson

"Paint Pad is a website for creating, sharing and discovering recipes for painting miniatures (tiny plastic models that you play tabletop games with). It is built using Ruby on Rails and React. Last year for the inaugural Side Project Summer I prepped the site for launch, and then worked on various fixes and improvements, including some randomly generated circles. You can see all the details on Twitter. This year, I want to improve the site by adding new tools and features to make it an even more useful resource for beginners and experts alike." Screenshot of the homepage of paintpad.app

Learn Ionic React

John Pettigrew @john_pettigrew

"Last year, I started to learn Ruby on Rails just before Side Project Summer started, and used it to build the first version of Umbrella Analytics - something that's turned (thanks to a year of part-time work) into a service that real people use and like! This year, though, I'm going to learn some more JavaScript - specifically, the Ionic framework. This is so I can work alongside my 18-year-old son, who wants to build an app for recording archery scores (a hobby we share). I already know some JS but Ionic and React are completely new to me, and a little scary!

Screenshot of the SPS version of Umbrella Analytics
My 2019 project for Side Project Summer